Friday, December 16, 2011

Network Greedy Siri

If you are from tech world and follow Apple technologies then you must be knowing that in order to use Siri a user has to be connected to the network. This requirement or limitation exists because Siri is designed to

1) understand "indirect" commands and instructions like "do I need an umbrella today" and
2) download appropriate information from internet if required.

In the existing design Siri has to send each and every command to a central server, server processes the audio stream and tells Siri what to do.

Most of the times people use Siri in a way, where information download from internet is not required. For example, as a personal assistant, most of the time Siri gets a command like setting up an alarm, setting up a reminder or play a song etc. Even in these cases Siri is designed to look for the network and if network is not available Siri won't set an alarm, set a reminder or play a song. Very sad.

Apple must come up with an "offline" mode where Siri can understand and execute commands whose execution will nor require any sort of information download from internet. It is already understood that user can't be creative while giving any command to Siri in offline mode. User will have to follow pre-defined syntax which Siri can understand without any external help.

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